Is it all bad? Part Two
In my last post I discussed some of the rhetoric that is around at the moment and the effect it is having on the Trans movement as a whole. It would be easy to assume that a Trans Woman going out into the world would be a journey fraught with difficulties and no doubt this fear has put some off venturing out into the wider world. Let's be honest you have to have your whits about you and be sensible where you go, but as I recently discovered all is not bad as some would have us think and you can have a very pleasurable experience out there in the real world. Pink heels! A couple of weeks ago I met up with my lady friend Jen for a three day break. After meeting up and having a coffee we booked into the hotel where we were to stay for three nights. That night we elected to eat in the hotel restaurant, so once ready we met in the hotel bar for a drink before our meal. I wore a white floral dress, with pink jacket and pink heels. Normally I shy away from wearing four inch stile...