Is it all bad?

 At this moment in time we seem to be inundated with anti trans comments with some prominent
people making outrageous statements aimed at the trans community as a whole. Some of these statements imply that 'all trans' people are a risk to society, which I find not only offensive but quite frightening. When I read that an all female swimming club balloted it's members as to wether it should allow a trans woman to join the club and that the result was in favour, it seemed like a positive report, only to find that once the result had been announced, one female member stood on a chair and denounced the members that had voted in favour going on to say they would all be attacked and raped in the changing rooms. 

This sort of thing has to stop, but that will never happen while there is a constant feed of claims and comments demonising trans people. It does not help that certain parts of the media and some politicians seem to jump on the band waggon to advance their own agenda. Some of this comment, coming from prominent people is based on fact, so therefore can not be disputed, but as there is a complete lack of research in this field there is very little we can use to put these comments into context. Yes some trans people have been found guilty of heinous crimes, there are bad people in all areas of society, but as there is no definitive data available it is very difficult to see what percentage these crimes are and how they relate to the population as a whole.  

I have to say the trans community in some respects has not exactly excelled itself in this affair, at a recent pro trans march there was a confrontation with anti trans protesters. The insults from both sides as reported in the media, showed a complete lack of respect for other's opinions and beliefs. Some of the reported comments and insults aimed at the anti trans people were in my mind unhelpful at best, but in all honesty I found them quite frankly abusive. I do want to stand up for trans people - like me - but I want to distance myself from this cycle of hurling abuse at each other. It does neither side any good and degenerates the important discussions, that need to be taking place into a farce. 

No war was ever won by force alone, in the end there will need to be meaningful discussion, with give and take on BOTH sides. The attacks on trans people in social media stirs up hatred and fear amongst those that are easily led. But in the end reason has to win out, we will only get there if the government's around the world bother to do the necessary research and find out how many trans people actually exist and how best to serve their needs and the needs of the wider community. There needs to be a discussion, a sensible discussion, dealing with all the pro and anti fears and expectations, no one will be a winner, there will need to be comprises. But in a modern world surly we can manage to live together......... In the meantime i will continue to respect others opinions (wether I agree with them or not) and act with elegance and decorum, as any lady would.........

There is a lot of negativity in the world at the moment, but in my next post you will see everything is not as dark as it sometimes seems......


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