At the end of last year I said I would be posting much more in 2025 than I did in 2024, well we already in March and I haven't managed a single word.......

 The problem has been, I have been struggling to put my thoughts into some sort of order. We are in a dangerous world, more now than ever before it would seem, Trans people all over the world are under attack, either physically or mentally. Healthcare has been withdrawn, particularly here in the UK for young people who must be finding it incredibly hard at the moment. Around the world there is a rolling back of Trans acceptance, partly fuelled by the events in America and the antics of the President and his henchmen.

Here in the UK, things have changed, some politicians have made a marked shift away from support of Trans People in some cases allying themselves to anti trans groups. This is very short sighted, they seem to forget that they work for the population of this country and therefore have a duty to support everyone within the Kingdom. In showing support for one group over another they are choosing who is worthy of their support. But, and this is a very big but, there seems to be two things they are forgetting, I pay my taxes, I buy fuel from the local petrol station , I buy goods and services all of which have an element of tax, I am part of the local community, I pay my rates, the fact I am Trans does not change any of these things. The other thing many seem to forget is that Trans people have been around in almost every part of the world for thousands of years, we have always been here and we  always will be despite the efforts of some detractors...... So I would say to those politicians that they need to think, if by excluding one group or another they are serving the best interests of the country as a whole or merely their own self interests.....

It would appear to be all doom and gloom, but it is not, most people I come into contact with are not bothered about me, when I am out shopping or in a restaurant the people I interact with have all been fabulous and very happy to engage with me, the vast majority of other people however, have no interest at all, they are simply getting on with their lives. Life is tough for all of us, it has been tough for me over the years, not only being Trans but also being blessed with dyslexia which made my young life very difficult. But I am still here, and so dear reader are you, we always will be so we need to show the world we are not going anywhere, but are also that we are a huge asset to our country and the world.

Wherever you are in this world don't let the news headlines give you a feeling of doom, there is always hope, a hope that one day the world will be a better place for everyone.


  1. "...hope that one day the world will be a better place for everyone."

    I read the other day "kindness is the new punk". In a world where the monsters are in charge - yes, I said that - to be kind to people in need, is an act of rebellion.

    1. Absolutely agree, with this world turned upside down being kind to those in need is indeed an act of rebellion.....


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