Coming to terms with the 'Female' brain
As you know I was born male, and to most people of this world I still am, however there are some that have recognised a different side to me, I am not talking about what I am wearing, I am talking about how my brain works and the impression I give to other people. I have worked in a manly job in a very male orientated environment for many years, I fitted in because I had to, the feminine side was very securely buried. But, I was often recognised as 'different' not anything too odd, just different from the others that worked around me. Very few people in my life could have ever put a finger on the difference. They just knew it was there. Since coming to terms with who I am, my feminine side has grown, or should that be my male side has diminished? I say that because my female side has always been there and much stronger than even I ever thought. I know this now, but this has been a relatively recent revelation to me. A couple of yeas ago I was talking to a lady friend of mine a...