The Crossdressers Voice

One of the easiest ways for a crossdresser to give herself away is to speak! As it is almost impossible in this world to do anything with out speaking this is somewhat of a problem. A number of crossdressers have mastered the art of changing their voice to sound completely female, if you look on You Tube I am sure you can find a couple of examples, but these in reality are few and far between. 

Without proper training and a lot of practice, most crossdressers will never achieve a truly believable female voice. Many go for a higher pitch, well if you can manage it thats a start, but in reality could you keep it up for hours? I have looked at this, tried various suggestions as to how I could change my voice and all of them are a lot of work, hard to keep up for long periods and none produce a convincing 'female' voice, at least with me anyway.

If you look at You Tube you can find plenty of examples of crossdresses (MtF) who clearly talk in a higher tone, almost squeaky voice. Firstly this would be hard to keep up for hours I would have thought, although hats off to any girls that can do that, but the biggest problem I find with it, is that it does not sound natural, and if it does't sound natural why bother? But the problem, to my mind in this approach, is that yes the voice is less 'male' in characteristics, but at the same time is not a natural 'female' voice. Having heard girls for different (english speaking) nations adopt this method I have come to the conclusion they have almost invented the 'tranny accent', which to my mind is not a good thing. I have been on an evening out and could hear someone talking behind me, and I instantly knew it was a crossdresser without seeing the person. 

So what to do about this, well firstly, let me say I am not a speech expert, this is purely my own thoughts on the mater, if you have different views I would love to hear them. If you listen to many women's voices they are not always a higher pitch, in fact very few women have very high pitched voices. A good example is the late Karen Carpenter, admittedly she had a huge vocal range, but in many of her songs her voice was quite deep, but at no point sounded 'male'. I therefore think the answer is not a high pitched squeaky voice but a voice that is softer and more refined. 

My thoughts are, firstly above all speak properly, avoid slang and try to pronounce your words correctly. Don't get this confused with 'taking posh', this is not bout being 'lar-de-dar', it's about using the english language as it should be used. Take your time and what ever happens do not swear! At the same time soften your voice, avoid the deep part of your vocal range. This sounds technical, but it's not, when you are alone, driving the car or whatever, say a sentence, or a line from a song. Do it in your normal 'male' voice. Then do the same sentence without using the lower part of your vocal range, avoid the sound from the back of your throat. Try it, you may struggle first, but it will just take the 'male' edge off your voice.

At the end of the day, most of us when in close contact with others will soon be outed as a crossdresser, that being the case, unless you can do a very good female voice, why bother?  So talk properly, be respectful and above all smile, you might be amazed how well people will react to you! 


  1. Andrea,
    As a man with a rather deep baritone voice, I feel the anguish! I'm never going to sound truly female but I speak and enunciate carefully when presenting. The fact that I'm older and of fair size I do get away with it often.
    The answer I practice, practice, practice.
    Found your blog accidentally and love your thinking and love that you keep coming back. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome, you are right just keep practising and present with a smile, it works wonders!


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