
Showing posts from September, 2023

Being Visible

  I have been out to clubs and restaurants many times, at the trans friendly clubs I could easily wear something that 'stood out' as in comparison with many others attending the venue, I would still be somewhat tame in appearance. However when going to more mainstream places be it shopping or for a meal out I wanted to blend, by that I mean not to stand out, I wanted to 'pass' for want of a better term. 'Passing' is the holy grail of many people like me, they want to be out in the world, but without drawing attention to themselves. That is completely sensible of course, because we want to go about whatever we are doing without any risk of confrontation. Although it has to be said in my case, so far at least, I have had no problems whatsoever when out and about.  So far so good, that would be my default setting and I suspect the way many others would feel. However last time I was out, something special happened....... I was due to go to a restaurant with a lovel...