
Showing posts from January, 2023

Book Review Ruthless Women & Guilty Women

  I have just finished reading the second book in Melanie Blake's trilogy about a group of women who are involved in the production of a hit soap based on the fictitious island of St Augustine's in the Channel Islands. Falcon Bay is the setting the soap takes it's name from and is described in great detail in the first title 'Ruthless Women". I am not going to tell you about the characters or the plot because that would spoil the entertainment value of the book. But I will say it is wonderful that some to the leading ladies are more mature, beautiful, feisty and very sexy. It is a great story superbly written and very entertaining, it ends in a spectacular story line that I didn't see coming.  The second book 'Guilty Women' follows on directly from the first and is another beautifully written book that will have enthralled and not wanting to put it down. Again the same wonderful cast of beautiful women lead the story, which has twists and turns all the